How Long Does It Take to Get Divorced in New Orleans?

You have made the decision to get divorced. You may be ready for this part of your life to be over and a thing of the past. However, there is the legal process to keep in mind. Many people have numerous questions about the divorce process, which we can answer for you here and during…

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Protecting Your Digital Assets During a Divorce: Social Media, Email, and Online Accounts

With the increasing reliance on digital technology, it has become crucial to address the protection of digital assets during divorce proceedings. In a culture where a significant percentage of our social and business interactions are conducted publicly via social media, email, and other online communication platforms, safeguarding these assets becomes of great importance. What steps…

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The Role of Cryptocurrency in Divorce

With its decentralized nature, cryptocurrency is introducing new complexities to divorce proceedings. One challenge divorcing spouses are facing is the potential of hiding cryptocurrency assets, and the methods necessary to uncover these digital assets during a divorce. CNBC describes a recent divorce where a woman found it suspicious that her millionaire husband had very few…

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How to Talk to Your Kids About Your Divorce

Spouses have a choice to divorce. Children don’t. Older children may have some say about which parent they live with, but the result of a divorce is that children will now spend time in two homes instead of one. Their confidence will be shaken because the closest relationship in their life – the bond between…

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Can My Ex Take My Business in a Divorce?

Many men and women who divorce in New Orleans own a business or a share in a business. Most of these people want their businesses to continue after the divorce because they like their work and they need income from the business. While some spouses may work with their other spouse, many work alone or…

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What Should I Know About Taxes After My Divorce?

When spouses divorce, their priorities are normally determining who has custody of any children, child support, spousal support, and the division of the marital assets. In many divorces, the tax consequences are an afterthought. The tax consequences can amount to a lot of money, however, especially if children are young and the spousal support award…

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Who Keeps the Dog in a New Orleans Divorce?

While you are going through a divorce and making sure everything is being identified and equally distributed, you may be wondering which spouse gets to keep the dog, cat, or other pets. In this article, The Law Office of James A. Graham will do our best to explain how the process works. Our goal is…

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Health Insurance After Divorce: Your Options

Health Insurance After Divorce: Your Options  In a perfect world, your soon-to-be ex will help you pay your healthcare premiums for a while after your divorce, so you’ll still be covered. If that’s not included in the settlement, though, you’ll be out of luck, because the company will drop you from his or her health…

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Major Changes to Divorce Law in 2018

Significant Changes to Divorce Law in 2018 The Louisiana Legislature has made major changes in laws regarding immediate divorce and interim and final spousal support.  The changes below came into effect August 1, 2018, and are of utmost importance to those considering divorce or in the divorce process. IMMEDIATE DIVORCE FOR PROTECTIVE ORDERS  Louisiana Civil Code Art.…

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